Mining featured across Swiss Alps

Mining featured across Swiss Alps

The unused building in Swiss Alps are to be used as mining centers.

The company introducing the new mining practice believes that there is a way to reduce the negative impact that cryptocurrency mining has on the environment: open special mining facility in Swiss Alps.

Swiss Alps energy company, energy-intensive nature of mining is one of the biggest issues facing the blockchain community today. A lot of unused buildings in Swiss Alps old be potentially used as mining facilities. Sophisticated modular cube system will be placed into the specifically chosen buildings.

The idea is to rent those places to people or companies, who are interested in the mining operation on such a big scale. As an example, it claims that someone who invests $65,000 could potentially see a total return of more than $235,000 within three years.

The company also provides artificial intelligence services that can calculate the most profitable cryptocurrency for mining at the time of the research.

SAM cubes are planning to raise 96 mln dollars during the initial coin offering, which is planning to be private for the uniquely chose circle of investors


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