


NRM is the world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology.


ICO Time:
01.10.2018 - 31.12.2018
Soft Cap:
15000000 USD
Hard Cap:
65000000 USD
Social networks:


Valentin Korsunsky
- CEO - Founder
Svyatoslav Vlasenko
- Head of Technical Department - Founder
Oleg Kondratev
- Head of Legal Department - Founder
Dmitry Sergeev
- Project Manager - Founder
Marat Habibulin
- Head of Finance Department
Stanislav Kalashnikov
- UX/UI specialist
Aidar Davletshin
- Assistant to the head of the legal department
Sergey Kalinin
- Blockchain developer
Andrey Martushev
- Developer
Alexander Vidyaikin
- Developer
Timur Enikeev
- Developer
Dmitry Denerkov
- Developer
Alexander Shulga
- Developer
Nikolay Raykevich
- Developer
Roman Shkvirya
- Developer
Vladimir Sorokin
- DevOps


Andrei Zolin


NRM platform providing ultimate possibilities for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurrency between trusted sources. User-friendly interface with artificial intelligence based on neural networks allows you to enter a new level of crypto interactions.

Our benefits:

- An internal NRM store that will enable independent developers to monetize their own modules using our developer tools, for combined B2C & B2B ecosystem.

- Rating system for information verification

- NRM Assistant - artificial intelligence based on neural networks, built using the latest algorithms of self-learning, analysis, and comparison of self-self-corrected neurons.

- Crypto Wiki - the convenient knowledge base based on blockchain technology, where everyone can get any crypto information he needs.

- Trading Tools - a set of convenient tools for tracking and managing your crypto assets, allowing traders to save up to 90% of time.

Twitter feed

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