


KAKUSHIN Ecosystem is the key, to unlock the doors of immense opportunities and potential by creating an ecosystem necessary for seekers, researchers, innovators, developers, and inventors.


ICO Time:
01.06.2018 - 30.09.2018
Soft Cap:
4000000 USD
Hard Cap:
30000000 USD
China, USA
Social networks:


Chandan Indoria
- CEO & Co-founder
Laurent H Selles
- IP Advisor
Sachin Bhargava
- Co-founder & CTO
Amit Dubey
- Co-founder & CMO
Marco De Corso
- Co-founder & CBO


Andreas Fink
Vladimir Ninov
Darrell Emmanuel
Kunal Karani
Sydney Ifergan
Naviin Kapoor
Jan Kulisek
Birendra Khadka
- Blockchain Advisor
Krystelle Galano
Gaurav Mehra
Yash Mehra
Bopanna K K


Since the creation of this world, every living being has been following the 3 essential K’s for the sole purpose of surviving, sustaining & flourishing in environment & ecosystem they belong to. Either you INNOVATE or you DIE.

Kaizen =>Kai (change) + Zen (better) => Change for better.

Kaikaku=> Kai (change) + kaku (revolution) => Change for revolution.

Kakushin=> Kaku (revolution) + Shin (new or innovation)

We believe innovation is not about creating the next mousetrap but solving real problems. Innovation is different from creativity & invention. While creativity & inventions are often solution-centric, successful innovations are inherently problem-centric. In fact, great innovators are indifferent to solutions as long as they solve the problem they are obsessed with.

KES is the key, to unlock the doors of immense opportunities and potential by creating an ecosystem necessary for seekers, researchers, innovators, developers, and inventors. Kakushin Ecosystem will prove to be the perfect environment to give birth, nurture, and flourish an idea/concept into a real and viable product, to be used by consumers.

Since the decentralization of research based infrastructure has already started and the future of R&D is distributed. It is inevitable that the power of R&D would be in everyone’s hands.

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