


Founded in 2016, Coinschedule's mission is to make it easy for users to find the best ICOs to join. We strive to provide useful and transparent information on ICOs, helping users find projects that have a great potential for success.


Coinschedule: Finding the best ICO crowdfunding projects.

At the same time, we offer a marketing platform for ICO projects to present themselves to potential users. We have steadily increased the quantity and the quality of information required from ICO projects and we will continue to do so to help this new industry flourish. 

We developed ICOrank, an algorithm that allows us to measure the likelihood of an ICO being successful. Projects needs s minimum ICOrank in order to be accepted for listing in n Coinschedule and we will use this tool to nudge projects into becoming ever more transparent.

The process of joining an ICO.

ICO participants are usually required to send Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies to an address controlled by the ICO organisers, where the amount sent determines how much of the new token each participant will get.

Because it is a descentralised market, each ICO can set their rules in different ways. Some ICOs have a cap (maximum amount they can raise), some don't. Some ICOs last for weeks, others just for a few hours. In order to inderstand how a specific ICO works, the best option is to look for their white paper. Virtually all ICOs will offer a white paper (and we give them extra ICOrank points for linking to it) and in there, they will outlines the mechancs of their fund raise, conditions and other relevant information.

Do you your research, learn about this space!

Coinschedule is a tool to help users find the information they are looking for about ICO crowdfundings. Coinschedule is not a financial services company and therefore does not provide investment advice. Users need to use the tools provided to conduct their own research and make their own decisions on what are the most appropriate projects for them.

A platform for ICOs to launch their projects.

We provide a platform for the different ICO projects to present themselves to our users. Projects pay a fee in order to be featured in the premium slots and have to comply with a set of requirements in terms of documentation and professionalism in order to be accepted. All projects need to reach a minumum ICOrank in order to be listed in Coinschedule.





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