This is what happening with EOS after mainnet

This is what happening with EOS after mainnet

The ICO that has raised 4 bln dollars is finally over. What is next for EOS?

EOS is a decentralized blockchain-based operating system that was introduced to the crypto community in 2017. The developers of platform,, headed up by CEO Brendan Blumer and chief technical officer Dan Larimer, unveiled EOS at Consensus 2017. 12 months later, the project raised a record-breaking $4 bln during their ICO.

Now that the ICO is over, and EOSIO has been launched, there are few things to consider in the nearest future.

First of all, the users that participated in the EOS token sale need to participate in the token swap. This essentially means that any users that did not register for the token swap will see their ERC-20 EOS tokens become non-transferable - rendering them useless. Furthermore, the token swap is considered to be a critical component of the EOS ecosystem. Community participation is crucial for the system to work and ensure the voting of block creators and their constant evaluation.

Like many blockchain projects, the promises of a white paper paint a pretty picture, but the finished product is what, obviously, is the crucial part.


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