The volume of SegWit-transactions breaks the records.

The volume of SegWit-transactions breaks the records.

SegWit-transactions in bitcoin net reached the new record level.

Yesterday at the definite moment the number of transactions with support of  Segregated Witness (SegWit) reached absolute record since the moment of protocol launch in last August. Tus, in block 522346 this value was 55,48%. This is proved by data from analytical resource Later, the number of transactions with SegWit support decreased slightly and is currently held at a level slightly above 36%. At the same time, the developer of BitGo Murch drew attention to the fact that a bit earlier the indicator was fixed at 95.65% in the block 519667. Additional analysis showed that in the last 30 days blocks with 100 percent support for SegWit were also mined, but they were all empty. At the same time, Murch draws attention to the unprecedentedly high number of blocks with a size of more than 1Mb and reminds critics of SegWit that this solution is aimed not only at reducing transaction costs, but actually brought with it an increase in the block size. Earlier, BitMex researchers found that the volume of SegWit transactions in the bitcoin network exceeded the aggregate number of Bitcoin Cash transactions since the last one was launched in August, 2017.

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