Tokinex Is Starting First IEO – Ampleforth

Tokinex Is Starting First IEO – Ampleforth

The event will take place less that in two weeks

Following the launch of the new IEO platform, Tokinex, Bitfinex revealed that the first token sale will be Ampleforth (AMPL), accoriding to the official announcement from May 23, 2019.

Ampleforth is a digital asset protocol for 'smart commodity-money'. It reportedly has advanced protocol that uses trusted oracles to get accurate and fluid exchange-rate data. It provides this information to holders of AMPL making a proportional increase or decrease in the number of tokens belonging to each client. In this way, an end price will have slight correlation to Bitcoin and other digital assets.

The Ampleforth sale will start on June 13, 2019 at 13:00 UTC, and it will end when the hard cap of 4.9 million USD (equivalent of 645 Bitcoins) is reached or on June 19, 2019. The hard cap amounts to 10% of general token emission.

It is announced that minimum contribution from one user is 20 USD, maximum - 10,000 USD. Contributions can be made in Bitcoins only. All users wanting to participate in the Ampleforth token sale will have to pass through KYC-verification via the BlockPass application. Residents of the USA, Ukraine, Belarus and other restricted jurisdictions are not permitted to participate.

Author: Alena Snezhnaya

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