Thailand branch of IBM Supports Blockchain and Artificial intelligence

Thailand branch of IBM Supports Blockchain and Artificial intelligence

The aim of the efforts is creation of regional sales hub 

On November 14, 2018, the Thailand division of IBM company will promote blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI). The aim is to transform the country into a major sales center of the region, according to the The Bangkok Post.

The report states that global IT company IBM will support blockchain in collaboration with the Bank of Thailand – country’s central bank. Also, IBM considers the possibility of starting blockchain education in local educational institution, that will help to provide adequate number of experts for the industry in the near future.

Moreover, IBM informed community about its plans to engage a computer system equipped with artificial intelligence – Watson AI – in looking for solutions in various fields of economy, such as energetics, education, finance, business, retail.

At present, IBM intensively promotes blockchain technology, recording decentralized solutions for various areas in numerous patents. In late August, IBM applied for 89 patents, and only China’s Alibaba managed to exceed that number with its 90 applications. So at the moment, IMB can be considered as the biggest players in the area.


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