has launched blockchain system of data verification has launched blockchain system of data verification

The scientific marketplace specializes in scientific researches outsourcing. It has just announced the launching of blockchain platform.

The platform DataSmart allows to test and verify the integrity of the data obtained by scientists.  It is specially noted that the new platform will let biotech and pharmaceutical companies to demonstrate regulators visually the reliability of research results presented in electronic form. Especially it concerns to those obtained during preclinical and clinical stages of drug development. biopharmaceutical research needs  blockchain technology in order to verify and validate chains of supply and to ensure the data integrity. This new DataSmart platform gives pharmaceutical and biotech companies a chance to demonstrate that important information  about suppliers and research data have not been distorted, and that they remain unchanged, as Chief Technologist and co-founder  of Chris Petersen said.

The representatives of the company note that new service makes it possible for other companies to comply with standard 21CFR, which regulates standards of records in electronic form and their comparison to each other.

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