Saudi Arabia implements blockchain

Saudi Arabia implements blockchain

Saudi Arabia Ministry of Communications is planning to implement new technology. Bootcamp will help to execute smart contracts of Ethereum net.

The government of Saudi Arabia has announced about consummation of charge with the use of blockchain technology Bootcamp. The Ministry of Communications of Saudi Arabia informed about it in the press release. The company representatives declared that it was designed to smart contracts of Ethereum net as well as to decentralised applications (DApps). The work was undertaken within three days. The Saudi Arabia authorities noted that the project was only the part of plans to create digital environment to 2020, which will attract investments and create necessary skills in the sphere of innovative technologies.  This activity became an important and significant stage for ConsenSys. Nowadays it participates in blockchain projects in Dubai and plans to develop these schemes in future. At the moment Saudi Arabia continues experiments with blockchain technology in other spheres of economy  of Iran.

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