Russia ICO Show called winners

Russia ICO Show called winners

In April, 26, Russia ICO Show, organized by IDACB, was spent. It is the largest congress of investors and ICO-projects in Russia.

This congress gave an opportunity for projects to show themselves to investors, and for investors - to get access to interesting and reliable projects. Summarizing the results, the three best ICO-projects were selected among fourteen candidates.

The 3d place: project eCoinomic (20% discount for golden status of IDACB verification);

The 2d place: project Trecento (30% discount for golden status of IDACB verification);

The 1st place: project Romad (50% discount for golden status of IDACB verification).

It is also necessary to note that IA Opinion project got an approval from Finam, and startup Spale was defined by jury as the project with brilliant idea.

The award discounts are actual till May, 14. The winners can connect with organizers by e-mail is important to remind that World IСO Show will take place in May, 19. The investors from 100 countries are going to participate.

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