Russia: digital economy for everyone

Russia: digital economy for everyone

The State Duma will organize free educational courses to raise the digital literacy of  population.

In ten Russian cities it will be organized free educational courses for raising digital economy literacy among the general population. This events will be backed by the large Russian universities.

This project is launched by The Russian Association of Students in the Development of Science and Education (RASNO); and it is supported by the Ministry of Education, the State Duma and the Analytical Center affiliated to the government.

People will learn about smart houses, blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Sergey Shestakov, the chairman of RASNO, told: "We will create the communities of students and experts who will perform educational activities for population, including modern formats, such as hackathons and foresights. Received knowledge will help the participants to realize various projects, understand where to invest or not, for example, what kind of cryptocurrency to buy."

Mr. Shestakov also noted that according to the government's program "Development of Russian digital economy", about 40% of population should have corresponding digital skills  by 2024. And such educational activities will help to implement this goal.

These educational events will be held in Moscow, Sevastopol, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Vladivostok, Yakutsk, Blagoveshchensk, Ufa, Kazan and Kirov. The pilot project will be launched in May.


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