New Trading platform with SEC support

New Trading platform with SEC support

Trading platform for new people in crypto strives to get the full compliance with the SEC

The Mandala Platform was first announced in 2017. Its aim is to design and develop an easy-to-use exchange for beginner traders and for investors, who do not obtain much knowledge of the cryptocurrency market. Overall, newly established exchange plans to the full compliance with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). A unique feature of the platform is going to be a hardware wallet as a special electronic device, where all the crucial info, such as private keys is kept.

Mandala is about to introduce the token of its own, MDX, which will be used to unlock enhancements of the features of the platform. In addition, MDX tokens will allow lowering the commission of the trading fees up to 80% (from 0.2% to 0.04%).

The Mandala interface delivers basic tools and resources for beginners. According to the white paper, Mandala’s resources and tutorials are intended to give individuals with the tools and knowledge that can change reactive strategies into proactive trading and investment decision making.

The token sale starts June 1. The initial investment round will be available for international investors only (non-US residents). Beyond securities licensing, Mandala intends to acquire a Broker-Dealer license and will register as an Alternative Trading Service with the SEC.


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