Kenia uses blockchain for registration of real estate.

Kenia uses blockchain for registration of real estate.

Kenia uses blockchain and cryptocurrency in the sphere of real estate. Their aim is to regulate sales in this area.

The entitlement of land property is significant and serious issue in many countries in the world. The reason is that this sphere is very corrupted. Kenia is not an exception. The authorities of this African country  try to solve the problem with the help of blockchain technology. Kenia, known also as Silicon Savanna, is the leading technology hub in Africa. Nevertheless, the registration and entitlement of land property faces problems because of corruption of local bureaucratic apparatus. The cases of double land ownership are widely spread in many African and developing countries/ The local officials were many times established the guilt of documents substitution. The Minister of information was tasked to create the team in order to research opportunities of blockchain and artificial intellect for preventing this problem. The supporters of idea are sure that the use of blockchain platform will provide safety, effectiveness and transparency.

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