Iran is going to launch national cryptocurrency.

Iran is going to launch national cryptocurrency.

According to the data from reliable sources, Iran is going to implement national cryptocurrency. Iranian government has already started to develop it.

In April, Javad Azari Jakhromi, a minister of information and communication technologies of Iran, declared that experimental model of national cryptocurrency was ready. If the project gets development, Iran will become the second world company which can avoid the USA sanctions through cryptocurrency. This is the question of great importance for Iran. This country was fenced off from the global economy for a long time.  The payment systems as Visa and Mastercard do not work there. Sanctions became a reason of problems with national economy, especially in the key oil and gas sector which works for export. On May, 8, the President of the United States Donald Tramp declared about new kinds of sanctions against Iran. As blockchain technology is highly developed in Iran, its government think it will be possible to circumvent sanctions with the help of cryptocurrency. The USA cannot block its expansion. In order to solve the current crisis with national currency rial the Iranian authorities broke away from tradition of negative attitude to cryptocurrencies.

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