Cello Square 3.0 the online logistics platform

Cello Square 3.0 the online logistics platform

Blockchain technology improves security, efficiency, and costs.

On June 20, the South Korean electronics giant Samsung announced that they are using the blockchain technology in a new logistics platform. A new platform called Cello 3.0 was developed by a subsidiary of Samsung SDS, which will use artificial intelligence and its “logistics knowhow” to transfer it, according to a press release.

According to Samsung SDS Kim Hyung-tae, vice president of a division of business logistics, the services will be provided to global e-commerce sellers with Cello Square 3.0, combining the latest IT technologies. Cello is not the only project coming to the surface. At the beginning of this month, a blockchain finance platform Nexfinance was announced.

Considering the scope of logistics, you can see that many operators use blockchain technology to improve security, efficiency and reduce costs. According to the Cello, this technology cannot be altered or stolen, and hence the reliability of the product will increase. As for the SDS, it also assumes similar advantages regarding time and cost-saving profits.

The release date of Cello is still unknown.



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