Bloomberg Terminal added Galaxy Crypto Index

Bloomberg Terminal added Galaxy Crypto Index

Bloomberg launched the new cryptocurrency index called Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index. Its aim is to monitor and control the dynamics of market capitalization of the major cryptocurrencies.

The launching of the new project is made in partnership with Galaxy Digital Capital Management LP, the investment fund of Mike Novogratz. The index under ticker BGCI will keep track the capitalization of the most liquid cryptocurrencies. Among them there are bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, ZCash, Bitcoin Cash, EOS, Litecoin, Dash and Ethereum Classic.

Michael Novogratz is absolutely sure that the launch of new index is the very important step for accepting of new class of assets by institutional investors. As the senior index manager of Bloomberg Alan Campbell said, the launching of BGCI index reflects the growing and stable interest of their clients to cryptocurrencies.

Earlier Bloomberg Terminal added Ethereum, Ripple and Litecoin prices.

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