Blockpass researches blockchain identification methods

Blockpass researches blockchain identification methods

Blockpass is planning to create scientific research laboratory for searching ways of protection of users personal data with the help of blockchain technologies.

The target of Blockpass Identity Lab is to study ways of protection of personal data with the help of blockchain technologies. Blockchain is considered as the defence against hacker attacks and online fraudsters.

The laboratory will be created within the framework of partnership among Edinburgh Napier University and Hong Kong company Blockpass. The total amount of investments is  600 000 pounds sterling. The lab will be created on the base of University campus in Merchinstone.

Primary planned period of project implementation is three years. During this period it is intended to perform the financing of research activity, grants for researchers and creating of blockchain environment.

The risks of centralized storage for personal data are evident. Blockpass uses blockchain for development of alternative ways of data storage which can give consumers a chance to control and monitor personal information and take decisions about giving access to confidential data.

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