Blockchain will penetrate the entire economy of Switzerland

Blockchain will penetrate the entire economy of Switzerland

''We need to develop the IT sphere in our country''

According to one of the seven members of Switzerland's collective head of state, someday blockchain ''will penetrate our entire economy.'' This statement was published by the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research on June 21. Today, during a speech at the Crypto valley conference in Bern Swiss Federal Councillor Johann N. Schneider-Ammann stated that “hardly anyone still doubts that blockchain will penetrate our entire economy.” If we think about these two statements it becomes clear there is no doubt that blockchain will play a significant role in the economics of Switzerland and in the global world. But are we ready for it? 

Let's consider Switzerland. This country doesn't know much about the new technologies, what opportunities will they open for them and what problems can they face working with them. Switzerland needs to develop this sphere, paying attention to the tech education. At the moment, this country needs IT specialists, people who understand the blockchain technology, who know how does it work and who comprehend the value of this technology. Schneider-Ammann, Swiss Federal Councillor noted that “We need to put even greater emphasis on digitalisation and technology in schools. We need more IT specialists (not to mention Blockchain experts). And we need more research projects and professorships in this field.” Swiss Federal Councillor also added that regulation in the sphere of blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICO is needed moving forward. Switzerland has been mentioned as a crypto nation, specifically because of Zug’s “Crypto Valley,” due to its crypto friendly tax regulations and “balanced approach” to tokens issued in ICOs.


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