Blockchain will be incitement of the next industrial revolution.

Blockchain will be incitement of the next industrial revolution.

The large Wall Street company declared that blockchain would be the incitement of the next industrial revolution.

Steve Chiavarone, vice president of financial services in company Federated Investors, expressed a number of his thoughts concerning blockchain in an interview with CNBC on May 11. He called this technology "a driver of economic growth" and listed it among five "key technologies" that, in his opinion, "will be incitement of the next industrial revolution ". When he was asked if the blockchain would become the driver of economic growth, Kyavarone noted automation and increased efficiency of economic activity, caused by the implementation of the blockade. According to his point of view, any company that works with supply chains can benefit from blockchain.  Also, he called blockchain one of five key technologies which would be drivers of the next industrial revolution. According to him, other technologies are automation, robototronics, digital intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT).

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