Block project Kodak plans to raise $ 50 million through ICO.

Block project Kodak plans to raise $ 50 million through ICO.

Wenn Digital company, implemented KODAKOne platform, has announced its intention to raise up to $ 50 million, by holding a closed and public ICO.

The KODAKOne project is licensed by company Eastman Kodak Co (Kodak), the producer of equipment for photography which announced its release on cryptornics in early 2018 year. At the same time, Kodak owns a minority stake in Wenn Digital.The KODAKOne platform is a blockchain-based system of copyright protection for images and photos registered on the platform. According to the statements, the ICO is scheduled for launch on May 21, 2018. The date and fund-raising objectives coincide with the January announcement of the launch, which was then postponed due to difficulties with regulators. This time, according to the company, the initial placement of KODAKOne coins fully meets the requirements of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, through the Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT), which allows only accredited investors to invest in ICO. The head and co-founder of KODAKOne, Cameron Chell, confirmed that the company postponed the launch to ensure that all necessary steps were taken and all details were reconciled before release of public tokens.

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