Bitcoin Women's Day: Not only boys play with Bitcoin

Bitcoin Women's Day: Not only boys play with Bitcoin

According to Australian study, 8 out of ten cryptocurrency traders are men. This year Bitcoin community first celebrated Bitcoin Women's Day on March 8.

The Australian Digital Commerce Association and Accenture (ADCA) has carried out the investigation, according to which 83 percent of cryptocurrency traders are males. It means that 8 out of ten traders are men. Meanwhile, 71 percent of cryptotraders are men under the age of 40 years (where 40% are men 18-29 years old).

Nicholas Giuretto, chief executive of the ADCA, noted that this study points out that cryptocurrency is a big business in Australia: “These results demonstrate that Australians are enthusiastically participating in the market for digital currencies.”

But what about women? The study of showed that in the whole world only less than 8% cryptotraders are women.

So, this year has the first annual Women's Bitcoin Day, which coincides with the International Women’s Day. This campaign was backed by such sponsors, like itPay, The Digital Currency Council, The Bitcoin Foundation, TatianaCoin, ChangeTip, The Chamber of Digital Currency, and many others leaders in the Bitcoin community.

The organizer of this "holiday" Sarah Boone Martin says: “There’s nothing gendered about digital currency. There just aren’t many people in the ecosystem. Bitcoin Women’s Day is a chance to talk to more people – men and women, lawyers, bankers, tech and finance pros – about this rapidly growing industry.”

And in the end, we want to mention smart and successful ladies of Bitcoin ecosystem: BitPay’s Elizabeth Ploshay, ChangeTip’s Victoria Van Eyk, the Bitcoin Foundation’s Jinyoung Englund, the Chamber of Digital Commerce’s Perianne Boring, and Tatiana Coin founder Tatiana Moroz.


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