Bitcoin Wins in Google Search 2018

Bitcoin Wins in Google Search 2018

Internet users perform net surfing to know ‘What is Bitcoin’ and ‘How to buy Ripple’

Google data indicates that ‘What is Bitcoin?’ was the most popular search inquiry in the United States and United Kingdom  this year, indicating Bitcoin has been at the top of public consciousness online in 2018.

Being at the head of a set of achievements in search rankings during the past 12 months, Bitcoin’s price volatility causes interest in understanding when it peak again after a period of price stability.

The question ‘What is Bitcoin’ currently at the top of this year’s ‘What is…?’ search list, while the annual listings also contain one other crypto-related entry.

While Bitcoin has headed the list of ‘What is…,’ this digital currency lost its position on ‘How to…’ entries to the second top digital currency, Ripple. During 2018, users were web searching more often on how to purchase Ripple, with ‘How to buy Ripple’ on the fourth place in Google’s ‘How to...’ list, while Bitcoin is ranked eighth as of recently.


The large popularity of Ripple is likely to be connected with a recent publicity push — particularly informally on social media.

Author: Alena Snezhnaya



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