Binance is planning to help Uganda

Binance is planning to help Uganda

The largest crypto exchange Binance is planning to use its influence in the sector of blockchain. The aim of it is to help Uganda in economic development.

Crypto exchange Binance is going to create employment opportunities for Uganda younger generation. It is also about to attract investments in blockchain industry of this country.Chanpen Cjao,  a founder and head of this exchange, has announced the company plans in his Twitter. He informed that Binance will sign the partnership agreement  with Uganda in order to support economic transformation in this country and to employ the youngsters in the sphere of blockchain

To implement the announced target, the crypto exchange Binance will cooperate with two agencies performing the development of this region - Made in Africa и Msingi.

At the moment the head of crypto exchange is in Uganda, actively participating in everyday life of the local blockchain society. He held a meeting with BAU (Blockchain Association of Uganda) for preliminary discussion of possible ways of cooperation.

Binance will adapt partnership agreements under local conditions. The authorities of Binance promised the support and training of young businessmen interested in innovations in the sphere of Blockchain technology.

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