Argentinian crypto van

Argentinian crypto van

Nonprofit organization in Argentina launched van tour to spread crypto awareness.

Two nonprofit companies Bitcoin Argentina and Bitcoin Americana launched a cryptocurrency awareness campaign to spread crypto awareness. The name of the movement is “Bitcoineta”.

It consists of a Bitcoin-branded van, jointly bought by the two participating organizations, that will go around Argentinian - and eventually Latin American - towns to spread basic knowledge about cryptocurrencies among local people.

The van obtains all the necessities to travel all over the country and, in the long term, all over Latin America. In addition to all the other tools, it has a projector to demonstrate crypto-related movies and presentations.

Van’s first destination is Chascomus, a rural area 120 km from Buenos Aires. After Bitcoineta completes its tour of the Buenos Aires province, it will head to the regions of La Pampa, Santa Fe and Cordoba. The remaining destinations in Latin America are yet to be revealed by the team.

Currently Argentina is a home for more than 10 cryptocurrency exchanges in accordance to “Buy Bitcoin Worldwide”. In May Argentinian Bank, “Banco Masventas” announced it would allow its clients to use bitcoin for international payments.

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